rkh.sePublications from Swedish Red Cross University
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Ahlin, C., Klang-Söderkvist, B., Johansson, E., Björkholm, M. & Löfmark, A. (2017). Assessing nursing students' knowledge and skills in performing venepuncture and inserting peripheral venous catheters. Nurse Education in Practice, 23, 8-14
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Assessing nursing students' knowledge and skills in performing venepuncture and inserting peripheral venous catheters
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2017 (English)In: Nurse Education in Practice, ISSN 1471-5953, E-ISSN 1873-5223, Vol. 23, p. 8-14Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Venepuncture and the insertion of peripheral venous catheters are common tasks in health care, and training in these procedures is included in nursing programmes. Evidence of nursing students' knowledge and skills in these procedures is limited. The main aim of this study was to assess nursing students' knowledge and skills when performing venepuncture and inserting peripheral venous catheters. Potential associations between level of knowledge and skills, self-training, self-efficacy, and demographic characteristics were also investigated. The assessment was performed by lecturers at a university college in Sweden using the two previously tested instruments "Assess Venepuncture" and "Assess Peripheral Venous Catheter Insertion". Between 81% and 100% of steps were carried out correctly by the students. The step with the highest rating was "Uses gloves", and lowest rating was 'Informs the patients about the possibility of obtaining local anaesthesia'. Significant correlations between degree of self-training and correct performance were found in the group of students who registered their self-training. No associations between demographic characteristics and correct performances were found. Assessing that students have achieved adequate levels of knowledge and skills in these procedures at different levels of the nursing education is of importance to prevent complications and support patient safety.

Delphi; Thailand; alcohol; policy
National Category
urn:nbn:se:rkh:diva-2338 (URN)10.1016/j.nepr.2017.01.003 (DOI)28171853 (PubMedID)
Available from: 2017-02-10 Created: 2017-02-10 Last updated: 2017-11-29Bibliographically approved
Ahlin, C. (2015). Utveckling av instrument och bedömning av sjuksköterskestudenters kunskaper och färdigheter att genomföra venös provtagning och insättning av perifer venkateter. (Licentiate dissertation). Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Utveckling av instrument och bedömning av sjuksköterskestudenters kunskaper och färdigheter att genomföra venös provtagning och insättning av perifer venkateter
2015 (Swedish)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet, 2015. p. 39
Assessment, Instrument, Knowledge, Nursing education, Skill, Nursing students, Venipuncture, Peripheral venous catheter
National Category
urn:nbn:se:rkh:diva-1888 (URN)978-91-7676-034-5 (ISBN)
2015-09-18, CMM, Hus 18, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Solna, Stockholm, 13:15 (Swedish)
Available from: 2015-09-02 Created: 2015-08-21 Last updated: 2015-09-02Bibliographically approved
Ahlin, C., Löfmark, A., Klang-Söderkvist, B. & Johansson, E. (2013). Development of instruments for assessment of knowledge and skills in performing venepuncture and inserting peripheral venous catheters. Journal of Vascular Access, 14(4), 364-372
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Development of instruments for assessment of knowledge and skills in performing venepuncture and inserting peripheral venous catheters
2013 (English)In: Journal of Vascular Access, ISSN 1129-7298, E-ISSN 1724-6032, Vol. 14, no 4, p. 364-372Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Purpose: Performing venepuncture is one of the most routinely performed invasive procedures in nursing care. The aim of this study was to develop instruments for the assessment of nursing students’ knowledge and skills when performing venepuncture and inserting a peripheral venous catheter. 
Methods: Two instruments were developed using the following steps. 1) Assessment items of importance for the procedures (venepuncture 48 items and peripheral venous catheter 51 items) were collected from focus groups including nurses, lecturers and patients. 2) The number of items was reduced using a method based on the Delphi method. Experts (n=51) reviewed the instruments in two rounds. The revised versions included 31 items for venepuncture and 33 items for peripheral venous catheter insertion. 3) Usability tests were conducted by nurses who tested the instruments to confirm that items were possible to assess. 4) Inter-rater reliability was assessed by twelve lecturers who in pairs, but independently of each other, used the instruments to assess 50 nursing students. 
Results: Proportion of agreement and Cohen’s kappa coefficient were calculated for each item to determine inter-rater reliability. Among the tested items for both instruments, the median proportion of agreement was 1 (range 0.66-1) and the median kappa was 0.52 (range 0.22-1). 
Conclusions: The instruments developed for assessing nursing students’ knowledge and skills of venepuncture and peripheral venous catheter insertion showed satisfactory inter-rater reliability.

peripheral venous catheter, venepuncture
National Category
urn:nbn:se:rkh:diva-642 (URN)10.5301/jva.5000147 (DOI)23599136 (PubMedID)
Available from: 2013-04-30 Created: 2013-04-30 Last updated: 2017-12-06Bibliographically approved
Ahlin, C., Klang-Söderkvist, B., Brundin, S., Hellström, B., Pettersson, K. & Johansson, E. (2006). Implementation of a written protocol for management of central venous access devices: a theoretical and practical education, including bedside examinations.. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 29(5), 253/294 quiz-259/296
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Implementation of a written protocol for management of central venous access devices: a theoretical and practical education, including bedside examinations.
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2006 (English)In: Journal of Infusion Nursing, ISSN 1533-1458, E-ISSN 1539-0667, Vol. 29, no 5, p. 253/294 quiz-259/296Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The objectives of this study were to evaluate registered nurses' (RN) compliance with a local clinical central venous access device (CVAD) protocol after completing an educational program and to determine RNs' perception of the program. Seventy-five RNs working in hematology participated in the educational part of the program. Sixty-eight RNs were examined while changing CVAD dressings or placing a Huber needle into a port on actual patients. Sixty percent of the RNs passed the examination and reported that the program increased their knowledge. The results indicated that the educational program could be recommended for use when implementing a new clinical protocol.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006
central venous access device
National Category
urn:nbn:se:rkh:diva-588 (URN)17035886 (PubMedID)
Available from: 2013-03-05 Created: 2013-03-05 Last updated: 2017-12-06Bibliographically approved
Ahlin, C., Löfmark, A., Klang-Söderkvist, B. & Björkholm, M. Assessing nursing students´knowledge and skills in performing venepuncture and insertion of peripheral venous catheter.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Assessing nursing students´knowledge and skills in performing venepuncture and insertion of peripheral venous catheter
(English)Article in journal (Other academic) Submitted
National Category
urn:nbn:se:rkh:diva-1887 (URN)

As submitted in disertation

Available from: 2015-08-21 Created: 2015-08-21 Last updated: 2017-02-10Bibliographically approved
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0001-6243-2608

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