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Operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av avvikelserapportering
The Swedish Red Cross University College.
The Swedish Red Cross University College.
2011 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Theatre nurses experiences of incident reporting (English)
Abstract [sv]

Bakgrund: Varje år drabbas nästan var tionde patient av skador under vårdtiden, skador som hade kunnat undvikas. Detta leder till ett onödigt lidande för dessa patienter och deras närstående. Vårdskadorna beräknas enligt Socialstyrelsen (2008) kosta samhället sex miljarder kronor per år. Operationssjuksköterskor liksom all vårdpersonal har skyldighet att avvikelserapportera händelser som kunnat leda till eller lett till vårdskada. Syftet med att rapportera avvikelser är att dra lärdom och att med riskförebyggande insatser förhindra att händelserna uppstår igen. Syfte: Att studera vilken erfarenhet operationssjuksköterskor har av avvikelserapportering. Metod: Studien utfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Ett studiespecifikt frågeformulär innehållande tio strukturerade frågor med möjlighet till egna kommentarer användes. Formulärets frågor behandlade erfarenheter kring avvikelserapportering. Resultat: En stor majoritet av deltagarna (85 %) hade någon gång avstått från att skriva avvikelserapport. Slutsatser: Bland annat var tidsbrist en avgörande faktor varför operationssjuksköterskorna inte dokumenterade en avvikelserapport. 

Abstract [en]

Background: Each year, nearly every tenth patient suffers of injuries during hospitalization, which could have been avoidable. This leads to unnecessary suffering for the patients and their families. Health damage according to the National Board (the Swedish Socialstyrelsen) (2008) costs the society six billion Swedish kronor (SEK) every year. It is mandatory for theatre nurses to report incidents that could have coast injuries to the patient during hospitalization. The purpose with incident reports is to learn from mistakes and with preventive measurements make the healthcare safer for the patients. Aim: To evaluate theatre nurses experience with reporting incidents. Method: The study was conducted as a cross-sectional design with quantitative data. A study- specific questionnaire comprising ten structured questions with the possibility of their comments was used. The form´s questions dealt with experiences about incident reporting. Result: A large majority of respondents (85 %) had at some point refrained from writing incident reports. Conclusions: Among other things, lack of time was the decisive factor why theatre nurses were not documented an incident report.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2011. , p. 41
Keywords [en]
incident reporting, patient safety, patient harm or injuries, theatre nursing
Keywords [sv]
avvikelserapportering, patientsäkerhet, vårdskador, operationssjuksköterska
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:rkh:diva-110OAI: oai:DiVA.org:rkh-110DiVA, id: diva2:426452
Educational program
Postgraduate Program in Specialist Nursing
Available from: 2011-06-23 Created: 2011-06-23 Last updated: 2017-07-07Bibliographically approved

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