Bakgrund: Studien handlar om Hiv-smittade patienters erfarenheter i den svenska vården. Sverige har uppnått UNAIDS mål 90-90-90 men stigma kring Hiv-smittade framkommer fortfarande inom vården. Syfte: syftet var att belysa förekommande stigma gentemot Hivsmittade patienter inom vården. Metod: Fyra kvantitativa och sex kvalitativa artiklar valdes ut och resultaten i artiklarna sammanställdes. Resultat: diskriminering, fördomar och sjuksköterskor på andra avdelningar än infektion som visade oro upptäcktes i resultaten. Immigranter och kvinnor födda utanför Sverige var mest utsatta. Slutsats: Den svenska sjukvården har utvecklats genom åren, men stigma gentemot Hiv-smittade patienter framkommer fortfarande.
Background: The study is about Hiv-infected patients experiences in the Swedish health care system. Sweden is the first country to reach UNAIDS goal named 90-90-90 but stigma against Hiv-infected still occurs in the health care. Aim: The aim was to illustrate stigma against Hivinfected patients in the health care. Method: The study contains six qualitative and four quantitative articles made between 2012-2018. The results from the articles were compiled. Results: Discrimination, prejudice and nurses on other sections’ than infection that showed concerns in front of the patient were found in the results. Immigrants and women that were born outside Sweden were exposed the most. Conclusion: The Swedish health care have evolved through the years but stigma against Hiv-infected patients still appears.