The COVID-19 vaccination has created turbulence in many communities. The dilemma has been particularly alive among health professionals such as nurses. As lecturers at the Swedish Red Cross University, whose academic profile is global nursing and global health, we promote the importance of the nursing profession as advocates for the COVID-19 vaccination. The main objective of this commentary is to reflect on the Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) fundamental tenet based on its principles in relation to nursing commitment beyond traditional responsibilities in times of pandemic when urgency, reactivity, and pedagogical health education become a priority. The notion of ‘globality’ and the contextualization and modernization of nursing responsibilities are associated with these professional reflections. We conclude that activism and advocacy, on issues crucial to planetary health and the advancement of social justice globally, are the responsibility of nurses. Furthermore, the liability of RCRC nurses is accentuated by the seven principles and the significance of humanity within the global perspective.