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Anestesisjuksköterskors självskattning av sin kompetens inom traumavård
The Swedish Red Cross University College.
The Swedish Red Cross University College.
2011 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [sv]

Bakgrund. I Sverige utgör trauma den vanligaste dödsorsaken för vuxna, 18-45 år. Traumateamets utbildning och kompetens är av stor betydelse för den skadade patientens överlevnad. Anestesisjuksköterskan har en viktig roll som medlem i traumateamet i det initiala omhändertagandet av traumapatienter. Syfte. Syftet var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskors uppfattning av den egna kompetensen inom traumavård. Metod. Studien var empirisk med kvantitativ data där en enkät delades ut till 45 anestesisjuksköterskor på en operationsavdelning på ett sjukhus i Sverige. Deltagarna skattade sin kompetens och svaren ställdes mot Benners kompetensstege och Svensk sjuksköterskeförenings sex kärnkompetenser. Resultat. Tjugo anestesisjuksköterskor deltog i studien varav tolv skattade sig som experter, en som kompetent och sju som noviser eller avancerad nybörjare. Samtliga deltagare skattade "stämmer helt" eller "stämmer delvis" vad gäller kompetens inom de sex kärnkompetenserna oberoende av arbetad tid på operationsavdelningen. Några expertsjuksköterskor arbetade inte med handledning, undervisning, kvalitetsutveckling och arbetsledning, medan några noviser och avancerade nybörjare arbetade med dessa expertuppgifter. Majoriteten av deltagarna hade fortbildning inom trauma. Slutsats. Lång arbetserfarenhet och utbildning inom traumavård var två orsaker som bidrog till den höga självskattade kompetensen bland deltagarna. Mer forskning behövs för att undersöka varför en del anestesisjuksköterskor på expertnivå inte arbetar med handledning, undervisning, kvalitetsutveckling och arbetsledning.

Abstract [en]

Background. In Sweden trauma is the leading cause of death of adults between 18 and 45 years of age. Therefore the education and competence of trauma teams is of vital importance. As members of trauma teams, nurse anesthetists have an important role to play in the initial care of trauma patients. Aim. The aim was to describe Swedish nurse anesthetists’s self-evaluations of their own competence in trauma care. Method. The study was an empirical study using quantitative data. A questionnaire was handed out to 45 nurse anesthetists working in a perioperative department in a Swedish hospital. The participants estimated their competence and the answers were compared to Benner’s stages of clinical competence and the six core competencies of the Swedish Nurses Association. Results. Twenty nurse anesthetists participated and of those twelve classified as experts, one as competent and seven as either novices or advanced beginners. All the participants answered either "agree" or "partly agree" in response to questions concerning the six core competencies regardless of how long they had worked in the perioperative department. Some experts did not work with tutoring, education, quality development or staff management, on the other hand, some of the novices and advanced beginners had been given such important responsibilities. The majority of the participants had continued education in trauma. Conclusion. Long work experience and high participation in trauma education were two important causes of the high competence of the participants. More research is needed to determine why some experts were not involved in tutoring, education, quality development or staff management.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2011. , p. 30
Keywords [en]
trauma care, nurse anesthetist, competence development, self-evaluation of competency
Keywords [sv]
traumavård, anestesisjuksköterska, kompetensutveckling, självskattad kompetens
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:rkh:diva-75OAI: oai:DiVA.org:rkh-75DiVA, id: diva2:416102
Educational program
Available from: 2011-05-10 Created: 2011-05-10 Last updated: 2015-07-16Bibliographically approved

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