This article draws on empirically derived illustrations of return to work and unemployment to critically explore how a narrow understanding of work pervades contemporary social policies and programmes. This is particularly relevant in economic and labour market transitions aligned with neoliberalism that individualise the social problem of unemployment and thus restrict occupational possibilities related to work. An overview of how work and related concepts have been conceptualised in occupational science scholarship is presented. After describing the theoretical orientation of the paper, three illustrations derived from a secondary analysis of data from projects conducted in Sweden and the United States are presented. The three empirically grounded illustrations are integrated with theory to highlight tensions between the politically informed structures that shape social policies and programmes and the individual experiences of work, unemployment, and return to work that users and providers of these programmes communicate. By asserting that success in work-related placement programmes is not synonymous with meaningful employment, we attempt to heighten awareness of the potential risks associated with a reliance on measuring work by merely being in paid formal employment.
Managers are often charged with the responsibility of overseeing Workplace health promotion (WHP) for which significant amounts of resources are laid aside yearly. While there is increasing interest by employers to include WHP policies, studies show that WHP implementation and uptake by employees still need to be improved upon. Given that managers are part of organizational decision-making and implementation of new policies, they serve as the bridge between workers and management. The aim of this study is to investigate managers' perceptions of employees' WHP uptake as well as challenges encountered by managers in the execution of their WHP-related tasks.
Method: This study is based on a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews. Participants in the study were managers at medium and large-scale private companies in Northcentral Sweden. To ensure that participating companies are comparable in terms of structure and policy, only companies within the private sector were eligible to participate. Furthermore, only one manager per company was interviewed. A total of nineteen managers participated and the data generated were analyzed using content analysis.
Results: A total of three themes and nine subthemes emerged. The first theme deals with factors at the individual level, subthemes include awareness of WHP, work-life balance, and attitudes. The second theme comprises of factors related to the WHP offer, subthemes were design of the WHP, supportive collaborators and financing of WHP. The third theme deals with organizational factors, subthemes were the nature of the organization's operations, management as role models and resources and support for managers. Results show that most of the challenges encountered by managers in executing WHP were mostly at the organizational level.
Conclusion: Addressing modifiable factors at the individual and organizational levels and those related to the WHP may improve WHP uptake among employees.